Several months ago, I thanked y'all for pointing out how the Souls games were a spiritual successor of sorts to CastleVania, and grabbed Dark Souls: Prepare to Die. I wasn't playing it much recently due to seasonal work with the Postal Service (whew, that was intense!), but really got back into it once the holiday drive ended. I am legitimately surprised at how far in the game I got. (I'm at the start of Blight Town... *shudder*)
...and that was BEFORE I found the true Pandora's box...the Dark Souls DEBUG version. o_O
That thing is DANGEROUS. Among the myriad abilities it has are level previews with a max-state character wearing sweet gear, the review demo, the ability to set starting attributes, gifting of items and gear at any time, TAKING CONTROL OF BOSSES, etc etc ETC.

Now, I am NOT using this tool to alter my main character, as I fully intend to beat DS the RIGHT way. of the fun things I did on the side was create a new character called Belmont and gift him a fire whip at the start. And oh, how fun that is! In the early goings he's truly OP, as most undead beasties he's fighting are weak to fire. BUT...since I did not tweak his stats, he's still squishy. And thus, there's still a challenge. It truly nails a CastleVania feel!

Like I said, Dark Souls really needs to be experienced properly. But for those who have sunk a lot in it and just want to goof around in awesome ways, it's REALLY worth hunting down.