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Offline alex085

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Castlevania Story Edits
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:35:35 AM »
Hello, my name is Alex.  I'm a 21 year old creative writing/film student from South Carolina.  This is my first topic here.  It may be a bit of a text wall, but I am reaching out to castlevania fans who also love to write or read literature so it shouldn't be a problem.  I'll be bunt and quick and crude where I can, it's just an extended synopsis.

This thread is dedicated to the idea of re-writing the Castlevania storyline, with more than 3 or 4 days care =P  I mean the series is full of great ideas that are never expanded upon, and possibilities for connection that are just plain ignored.  The series rarely takes advantage of its best storyline aspect, the timeline.  I have my own version, that has only slight alterations in most cases, none of which fundamentally alter the storyline of the series.  I also know that if this were a game it would have some heavy cut scenes, but I tried to keep it at the most DMC 4 level, no where near MGS 4.

My first quick re-write synopsis will be for the game in most esperate need, and for now will be just a few points.  This one is my biggest change, well... the 1800's storyline change, which I will post much later, has a lot of changes to.

I present...  Lords of Shadow, re-done to fit the series continuity.

Ok, first off set it in the 11 or 1200's, with Gabriel as just the next Belmont in line 4 or 5 generations after Leon.  He has the VK, but undersells it's importance.  He has a vast array of weapons his forefathers have collected over time, using the VK really only against Vampires.  the Belmont's already have a name for themselves, but they are not legends and are not feared.  It also does not feature Mathias...

The story starts with Gabriel killing vampires in the old village from LoS where you fought "Brauner" who will have a different name.  You are here to kill "Carmilla" again name will be changed, who is currently thought to be the most powerful vampire alive, and is trying to become the Dark Lord, but you don't know that yet.  So Gabriel enters the castle while his two friends who are also hunters, Claudia the telepath, and the Black Golem wait with the villagers.  Gabriel, being the toughest Belmont yet, kills "Carmilla" and her remaining minions flee.

The main theme of the story, which you begin to see here with the fear of the fleeing minions is that of the Belmont's transcending from simple warrior monster hunters, to legends in league with Greek mythological heroes.  The lesser theme is the final death and decay of the old archaic religions, which must have some realm of truth seeing as half the enemies and weapons of the games stem from them.  I want to keep the feeling of a gothic greek myth that I think they were going for in Lords.  The boost in reputation quickly finds Gabriel in the company of Zobek the leader of the Order of Light who wants to recruit him for a mission.  He tells Gabriel of "Carmilla"'s attempt at godhood(I think of the dark lord as a god) that he unknowingly averted.  He also tells Gabriel that contrary to belief she was not the most powerful vampire.

He says that there are 2 others, a feral war lord "Cornell", again changed, controls the beasts of the wilderness in the ancient ruins of Agarta, which will be much more sunken city castlevania ish, not so tomb raider.  Gabriel agrees if he can choose his partners, Zobek agrees and Gabriel takes only Clauia and the Black Golem.  Gabriel asks of the other vampire, who Zobek says is a mysterious necromancer in hiding somewhere.

When they arrive in the wilderness they find that "Cornell"'s forces are much more formidable than "Carmilla"'s were. They also notice very few other supernatural beings that do not seem evil, things like fairies, maybe a centaur, a satyr or two, but keep in mind these are very very few and it is very heavily insinuated that they are all but extinct.  These are the last remaining agents of Pan, the old god of the forest, the last remaining god on earth, whose eye Gabriel has caught.  Pan is at war over the forest with "Cornell" who is vying for Dark Lord, and Pan is losing.  Pan tests Gabriel with the ancient Titans, the magical machines the gods destroyed to get the human's of the areas adoration long long ago (reference to Greek Mythology).  Gabriel, with a little help from his allies defeats the titans.

For passing Pans test Pan grants Gabriel use of some his agents (fairy subweapon) as well as some empowered items.  The group then enters "Cornell"'s uncontested area.  I can get into more detail later but Claudia is killed pretty early in, and eventually the Black Golem sacrifices himself to give you the power to proceed, as it is the only way either of you can survive.  Gabriel, now rather broken and mournful of his friends, let's loose more now, strikes out harder the fight becomes more personal.

Gabriel learns more about the Lord of Darkness and how all powerful enough vampires are trying for the spot, as well as other dark beings from "Cornell".  Gabriel kills him.  Very shortly after Zobek is contacted by Zobek, and Gabriel tells him he wants to go after the Necromancer.  Zobek meets with Pan, and reveals himself to be the Necromancer vampire.  It is revealed that he has no desire to be the Dark Lord, but they both know who does.  The two had orchestrated Gabriel's arrival in the forest to test him on multiple levels.

They both know that Lucifer is vying for Dark Lord, and has the best chance of anyone.  And they both know that he is coming back to earth, to the ruins of Mt. Olympus where the seasons still guard the gates, allowing no mortals to enter.  Pan goes to plead with them, as Zobek, still in disguise, lies to Gabriel telling him that the ruins of Mt. Olympus is where the Necromancer vampire is.  Gabriel goes to pursue him, wanting to prevent the Dark Lord from arising.

Pan pleads with the seasons to allow Gabriel to enter, but they fear the power of Lucifer should he become the Dark Lord, so they refuse, with the exception that they will allow Gabriel in if he can prove able to kill a god, something no pure mortal has ever done.  Pan recedes to his agents, which are more like children to him, who ask him what will happen if the Dark lord comes.  This is where Pan makes a very difficult choice.  He meets Gabriel at the gate to the ruins.  He simply tells Gabriel that in order to stop the Dark Lord, Gabriel must prove he can kill a god.  So Pan dons his war armor and fights Gabriel to the death, almost exactly how it happened in the actual game.

Gabriel kills Pan, and the gate is opened to Gabriel, but before he enters Zobek appears.  He transforms into his true form and tells Gabriel the truth.  Gabriel is very angered, but he knows that Zobek is being honest about Lucifer, so he ventures into the ruins, vowing to slay Zobek at a later date.  The final bit of information Zobek gives is that the VK, while most affective against Vampires, is very powerful against all supernatural creatures, and that Gabriel should use it more.  Gabriel fights his way through some old greek monsters and demons.  And then we basically have the ending of Lords, with Gabriel battling and defeating Lucifer, stopping him short of becoming the Dark Lord, and killing him once and for all.

It is after this event that the people of Europe start to whisper about the Belmont clan in the same vein as Hercules, the difference being Hercules is a long dead story, this is what causes the Belmont's to be banished, all the way until Trevor.  Gabriel doesn't care much, he just sets off after Zobek.


Post credits,Over the shoulder view of a long black haired man in a throne, reviewing intel he has recieved on Gabriel's accomplishment, "Damn it!  I guess it wasn't an empty threat..."  Camera turns, it's Mathias! (I lied about him not being in =)

long black haired man not long haired black man lol sorry
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:52:57 AM by alex085 »

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Re: Castlevania Story Edits
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 11:44:57 AM »
It also does not feature Mathias...

I like it already  8)

Camera turns, it's Mathias! (I lied about him not being in =)

S#$T!! got my hopes up... :'(

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Re: Castlevania Story Edits
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 01:27:01 PM »
cool story, bro

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Re: Castlevania Story Edits
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 08:06:04 PM »
I liked it it made sense :) however I can't think Gabriel other than the pre-darkness Dracula, having it as an "ordinary Belmont" seems off to me  :-\

Everything comes full circle
