Eh. NeoGAF just has a bunch of Iga piners.
They just want the same exact game over and over with a different skin.
Kinda sad when you think about it.
Thats quite a quick dismissal. I'll hold out until I've played the whole thing, but I'm definitely worried at this point. The skeletons in the first room take about 10 hits to kill. Compared to the old CV games, thats insane.
And Metroidvanias don't all have to be the same. Circle of the Moon feels very different from all of the other IGA games. They really started to feel repetitive after HoD because they all become the same-old collectathons with nearly identical abilities that let you progress further. Despite all of HoDs and Circle of the Moons faults, they feel drastically different from the last 4 Metroidvanias.
Theres nothing sad about wanting more exploration in the vain of IGA's games, as there was still room to do something more unique. The problem was the sheer amount of laziness on Konami's part. Reusing the same artwork and the basic structure for progression in every game gets old fast.
I really respect that Mercury Steam is trying to do something new, but I fear they aren't really taking a step forward. Introducing a fun combo system while throwing the pacing to the wind isn't really an improvement, its just different.