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Well he did try to escape Alucard, but Dracula was ready for that, and staked him.

Also, Gabriel could survive that blast because he made it into his own, the started chanting with the paladin and turned their own attack back on them, because why would the Paladin even use something like that if he knew it was going to kill him and everyone else there?

Offline e105beta

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Well he did try to escape Alucard, but Dracula was ready for that, and staked him.

Also, Gabriel could survive that blast because he made it into his own, the started chanting with the paladin and turned their own attack back on them, because why would the Paladin even use something like that if he knew it was going to kill him and everyone else there?

I'd have figured he could have just busted out of Alucard in a gooey explosion if he was really ready for round two. I dunno, the whole risking getting staked because he doesn't think Dracula will stab Alucard seemed more like the last card in his hand then it did a perfect plan gone wrong.

And because killing Dracula is worth it? I dunno, the whole "I'm a champion of God!" was another plot point that I felt was never really resolved either. After that scene I figured they were going to pull the "This was all part of God's plan" especially when Marie said "This suffering had to happen!" in her talk with Gabriel.

Offline Maedhros

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That would make God kind of a dick...

Offline e105beta

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That would make God kind of a dick...

God working through suffering is no stranger to the Christian mythos which the game borrows heavily from.

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Man the more we talk about the plot the more things I keep noticing that are just weird or silly.

What a damn shame, really. The way they were going to resolve everything was one of the big reasons I was excited and interested in this game.

Offline JayDominus

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That would make God kind of a dick...
Well he did send his son to Earth for him to be crucified for all our sins... not the kindest father.
LoS2 looks way more Castlevania than LoS1 did, and all around it looks like it plays better too, sans the stealth. I guess LoS got a bigger, more vocal fanbase over the years. Releasing it on Steam probably helped A LOT.
Well LOS1 is pretty consistent in gameplay, quality (DLC nonwithstanding) and art style, so there's that going for it.

Offline DragonSlayr81

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God working through suffering is no stranger to the Christian mythos which the game borrows heavily from.
Kinda a parallel to life, no less. Enlightenment isn't achieved by those who do nothing. Or at least, those who sit on their ass. It takes suffering and struggle for good things to happen. A lot of people have to suffer through menial labor and jobs just to earn a living. Women have to suffer through pregnancy and child birth just to give birth to miracles. In the end, most rocky roads are paved by the intentions of man itself. In a world of God or a world that's godless, regardless, the greatest enemy of mankind is mankind itself.

Offline Viskod

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Well another part of Christianity is free will. Gabriel May have been chosen by god in the first game, but that doesn't prevent Gabriel from doing what he wants.

Also God is a dick. See: Job

Offline Maedhros

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LoS1 art is much, much better than what we got here. And while LoS2 looks great on the Castle, I feel that it was too short. TOO, TOO short. In fact, as I've said in the past, they should have made the castle XBOX huge, 6 or 7 areas. And considering how the city was shitty, they shouldn't try anymore of this in the future. It simply doesn't work.

And Ahasverus said to me that they made the Castle varied when I said that it didn't have almost any variation as per reviews. In the end, I was right. The only areas that you wouldn't expect on the castle were the City of Damned and the Agreus area, which was (again) too small.

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Just one word: Agreus.
I'm also starting to worry for the structural integrity of the room I'm been playing this in. So I'm going to try to keep it at that.

It also doesn't help that his boss battle is laughably easy. I beat it in less than a minute on Lord of Shadow difficulty. At this point, I don't even call that a problem, I call that insulting.

Look, I'm genuinely trying to enjoy this game. I truly am. But for the moment I seem to be completely failing to do so, and something tells me that it's not entirely my fault. I'll hopefully have forgotten this segment once the next battle sequence kicks in, but for the moment, I really need to know: does LoS2 get any worse than this? Can I continue playing without fear of having to expend half an hour's worth of rage on something that isn't even worth my time?
Please, be merciful, and answer yes.
Castlevania: Legacy of Sorrow: An original scenario project

Freedom is the one thing you cannot impose.

Offline e105beta

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Kinda a parallel to life, no less. Enlightenment isn't achieved by those who do nothing. Or at least, those who sit on their ass. It takes suffering and struggle for good things to happen. A lot of people have to suffer through menial labor and jobs just to earn a living. Women have to suffer through pregnancy and child birth just to give birth to miracles. In the end, most rocky roads are paved by the intentions of man itself. In a world of God or a world that's godless, regardless, the greatest enemy of mankind is mankind itself.

Well another part of Christianity is free will. Gabriel May have been chosen by god in the first game, but that doesn't prevent Gabriel from doing what he wants.

Of course. Obviously Gabriel made the wrong choices when confronted with life post-Marie, but that wouldn't mean that God couldn't make something good come out of it in the end.

Look, I'm genuinely trying to enjoy this game. I truly am. But for the moment I seem to be completely failing to do so, and something tells me that it's not entirely my fault. I'll hopefully have forgotten this segment once the next battle sequence kicks in, but for the moment, I really need to know: does LoS2 get any worse than this? Can I continue playing without fear of having to expend half an hour's worth of rage on something that isn't even worth my time?
Please, be merciful, and answer yes.

I'd say yes. Everything past this point is pretty quick.

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if los2 is sooo torturous to play thru then just give up return it to the store get your moneys back & watch the rest on youtube, problem solved

Offline Maedhros

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If you bought it on Steam, there's a way to get a refund too. Just ask them. They usually return your money (Steam Wallet, though).

Offline Viskod

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Well the artist that gave us the first game quit on this one because he couldn't put up with egomaniac whosits.

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Hey guys, I've been lurking for a while but finally decided to set up an account. May be a little off topic on the current discussion but I just wanted to give my opinion on the game and its ending for anyone who cares enough to read my ramblings.

First off, I was a big fan of the first LoS, for me it was something that really dragged me back to the series after a patch I really wasn't fond of, undeniably SoTN is a great game and incredibly inventive but the games that followed in its foot steps seemed to be more concerned with copying the style as apposed to improving on it or making it their own despite minor changes to game play such as soul stealing and map screens, not bad games but just not fresh enough to keep me interested. The PS2 games I think most of us can agree on were pretty dire and uninspired so I won't go there.. But LoS had a new style, a new story to tell and a really beautiful cinematic look that I've not really felt with a game before. I was a bit of a fan boy with it, as is expected I was incredibly excited for LoS 2 and got it day 1, the whole intro just blew me away and really set the tone for the game giving you a real sense of desperation and fighting against the clock, there were some really fantastic moments and fights leading up to about 3/4 of the way through, some dryer spots and some issues with the city and traveling between destinations but I could overlook that.

Now here is where everything went downhill for me with the plot, Victor being number 1. As many of you have established this was just poor writing and really threw a lot of us off, zero emotional attachment to this "bad ass" who we're all supposed to give a shit about because of his swanky whip and Belmont title. (Also WTF the building was right in front of you ya daft bastard, hardly anywhere in this fucking city to explore anyway so stop being lazy and have a look about! How many "corporations" are there? We've established there's only a few major ones early on... Should've left this as a game play segment)

The part after was fine, I was happy with the way they handled the second Acolyte, he was a dick I get that nuff said, but then after that great twist someone in the writing department clearly thought it would be a good idea to shit in their own hand and start finger painting. When Alucard revealed himself Satan should've been revived there and then, making me travel across the city to go find the acolyte after the awesome Zobek/Death battle just took me right out of the immersion, in fact that Zobek battle should've been reserved for the final battle anyway. Revive Satan there, have your Alucard fight, give us a chance to fight Satan properly then when all's done have Zobek pop up to hold his end of the bargain and when told no, throws a temper tantrum and there goes the battle, which would've made sense as a final boss considering all the tragedy Zobek put Gabriel through, what did Satan do to him in the end? Tossed him about and threatened to screw his wife? Urgh..

Victor should've lived, even if he was absent for the end just have him down underground protecting the citizens, the end could've been nicely sorted with Gabriel destroying the mirror, recconecting with his son, Victor using the antidote to save humanity and help rebuild what was lost, Drac and Al go on to live in hiding waiting for a time when they may be called again, but for the mean while have some father son bonding long overdue, perhaps a mini game where you can play chupacabra catch...?

The game did feel like it was trying to hold too much to Lords of Shadow in terms of the linearity yet go for an open world feel in the traveling department which I really wish developers would realize is incredibly boring.. Stick to one or the other. The city was also pretty pants which is something I know a lot of people had a problem, all in all I really enjoyed the combat and story up until the.. "Incident" in the writers room.. Also who thought Alucard DLC would be coming as soon as the ending finished? I even guessed the name.. Waiting for that mind battle against Satan...

