Well the classic remixes were the only things I ever found noteworthy about the current trilogy's music anyway. SCV4 Dracula Battle in MOF, Waterfalls of Agharta in the first, even that music boxy take on Vampire Killer. Everything else was... mostly forgettable.
Of course it was forgettable, at least in those tiny little parts he based on something about CV, but it was just a few notes incorporated to his music. Not enough to overcome two soundtracks of nothing.
I hope for some SOTN shit in there this time.
I'd like that too, but I doubt it will happen. Araujo using Yamane's tunes? I don't see it happening.
Eh, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Like the article says, it'll probably just be a few notes tied to a new orchestral composition or a short jingle or 2, similar to the Vampire Killer Music Box in the original Lords of Shadow.
btw, I love FFVII's soundtrack but I hated FFVIII's & FFIX's. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to find 2 Final Fantasy fans that like the exact same stuff about the series, lol.
I think the same, if Cox said "maybe" I'm tempted to think it's almost 0% chance, but maybe this time he is telling the truth, who knows?
I personally found the music box thing a little irritating, because it was like teasing me, all the game with nothing that sounds like CV, and now I find VK reduced to a music box? This theme I listened to a million times is the only CV sound I find? And in a music box? Really? I remember I was particularly annoyed.
I hope they'd choose some obscure tracks and re-arrange them. Something from Game Boy, or from Rondo or X68000, something it was never remixed or re-arranged.
It's OK, FF7 was for me to FF what LoS was to Castlevania. I'm aware many fans don't like 8 and 9, and that FF7 has a huge fanbase. I'm personally fond of the first 6 games, though my favourite is FF6 and about the first 2 games I like the soundtrack especially, more than the game. FF6 is also the first one I played. I can't tell about 11 because I didn't play it, but I played the rest (most of them when they were already old, or in remakes like the PSP or NDS ones) and it's been a while since I don't hope to get another SNES type FF game anymore (or soundtrack, for that matter). But the FF fanbase is way more mixed than the CV fanbase. Here we have ClassicVania, MetroidVania and LoS, and fans are usually fond of one or the other, maybe 2 kind of games out of 3, sometimes Classic and MV but not LoS, sometimes Classic and LoS but not Iga... some even like them all... but it's pretty simple, the fanbase is still not too divided. With FF is a lot more complicated than that. It's as you say, every fan is different and likes/dislikes different games.