I was thinking the same at first, but then I thought... why not? Depending on how the levels are laid out, maybe you could make a game where it's not needed to jump around. Taking further inspiration from the Zelda series, maybe jumping could be handled in a similar fashion - approach a ledge and the character makes a little, automatic skip!
I'm actually the opposite of that, as in, I think the LoZ series would be quite superior if they added jumping mechanics. Hell, quite personally, I would love the LoZ series to be more ARPG-esque, with lots of different attack chain techniques, double jumping, air dash, in short, more Kingdom Hearts-ish as far as control went. That's just me, tough.
For CV, I still want my ultimate CV, the ultimate 3D platformer that not only looks good, plays good, but features ample amounts of horizontal-level platform areas, as well as ample amounts of verticle-level platform areas. If anything, not JUST for CV, but to act as a "breaking of the misconception" that such a thing is impossible to do, so other developers can say, "It CAN be done. Let's apply this to _____!".