I think there's a misconception here.
Just because a company is planning to do DLC for their game and creates it at the same time the game is being made to release later, does not mean it was ever intended to be a part of the original release, should be part of the original release, or that you're somehow owed it as a part of the original release.
People want downloadable content now, especially story based content that adds an extra chapter to the game or expounds on the ending. The anti-dlc crowd is in the minority here, if they were not, it wouldn't be so common.
There is nothing inherently wrong with it either. I always love knowing that a game is going to have some extra content that I can come back to in a months time or so and get a little more out of it instead of just waiting two years for a potential sequel at best.
I just finished Obsidians South Park RPG, and it was exceptional. Probably the best use of a license since the first Batman: Arkham Asylum. It was however, just about 13 hours long. I would love, just absolutely love for there to be some episodic DLC for the game. But there probably won't be, which makes me sad.