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Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:08:13 AM »
Sexism in video games, Most of the time it's not even sexist.

Smash bros is considered Sexist because of Samus, Yet Other M really was sexist and there wasn't any big whoop about that.

WildStar considered Sexist because of Boob sizes, yet no complaints on the big muscle beefcake department. (Game is really fun thought)

Sexism Activists need to mature themselves and realize a few things...
1. Sexy and Objectifying is a very thin line, Sexy usually doesn't mean Sexist.
2. Sexism is a Two(three) sided street, Transgender and Females Aren't the only ones who apply, there are Many Cases of Male Sexism but is overlooked.
3. Sexism is everywhere, and you don't protest it where it's needed.

I mean most of the well known Feminists believed men to be inferior, which is Sexist, which is what they are fighting against.

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2014, 03:21:28 PM »
Wow, the male privilege is strong with this one.  Your last sentence clinches it.
(hint: the loud minority does not equal the majority)

How many Male Privilege stamps do I get on my Bingo card today, let's see...

« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 03:28:15 PM by Jorge D. Fuentes »
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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2014, 03:34:14 PM »
Well, at least in our Castlevania world, there's an equal opportunity for all characters to look like sex workers.

Simon totally looks like he's about to go Hot Rockin':

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2014, 03:43:53 PM »
Kaziz, no offense, but that post kind of makes you look like a jackass.

The "feminists" you're referring to are what the Internet calls "Feminazis," because they only focus on the side of the argument that best benifits their own petty vindications, and refuse to even acknowledge the rest of the movement's purpose.

Most feminist ideology I agree with; in that men tend to be vain, greedy, arrogant dick-wavers who have just about crippled this planet. There weren't that many women leading the Inquisition or Crusades, were there?

However, the loud majority, as Jorge put it, is responsible (almost single-handedly) for destroying what the movement stands for. Rather than focus on women as human beings rather than bodies, as well as be aware of the male equivalent of the same argument (I, for instance, am just as pissed off at the macho-man standard everything's fucking put at, though understandably the female side has had it far worse over the years), they only care about the parts of the argument that's convenient to them. Say a man they're with comments on a hot woman in a Victoria's Secret commercial. Femenazi would lose her shit and proceed to antagonize him for finding a woman (who was in that commercial of her own will, probably) attractive; but that same woman would have no problem gawking at Captain America and Thor commercials. Nevermind if that other guy calls her out on it, then he's just a misogynistic pig who can't see past his own dick.

(Can you tell I've got some prior history with these fucking people?)

 Yes, there is sexism in character portrayals in video games. But I don't think it's as big as everyone likes to make it. Sure, Samus is fucking hot. But on the other hand, Vincent Valentine isn't too bad-looking himself. I'm sure Dante and Vergil get a lot of love, too.

But I don't think it's so much the case of a sexist at the helm on the production. It's very simple.

Sex, and therefore sexually attractive body types, sells. Let's be honest. How many people, REALLY, do you think bought Bayonetta just for the gameplay?

It's not fair that that's the case, and even less fair IMO that the usage of "sex sells" is treated as a red-herring point and usually results in the user being stoned for it. It's an unpleasant fact that it does, but it's one of the unfortunate by-products our garbage society has produced. I'll go in the corner and wait for someone to stone me for using it, once I finish up here.

Bottom line, there's so fine of a line in this argument that the slightest offput on a word makes you look like a fucking asshole. I'll admit I'm not the most educated on this subject, but a large part of that is because, frankly, I've had a hard time finding women's studies articles and whatnot that weren't predominantly written from a biased and narrow-minded perspective. Too many people, on BOTH fronts, care too much over little details (like how the Femenazis throw fits over Barbie's physique and not even register that the character's held male-dominant jobs even before actual women did, with the motto of "be who you want to ba" at the helm) and forget either the bigger picture or the other half of the argument (because where gender roles and criticisms are concerned, there is always the other side to take into consideration), and develop contradictory and hypocritical points of view and opinions that result in making the entire movement's philosophy look bad.

I like where it's going too, Jorge.

And K.K.'s on it, too. I always loved Light Yagami in Judgment. :P

EDIT: Forgot one thing. Kaz, the feminist ideology isn't that men are inferior; it's that men throughout history have made just about every attempt to make women inferior and subjective to their whims, and to make the effort to celebrate the feminine which was suppressed for so long. It's in that same vein of the women's suffrage movement, just on a different wavelength. It's kinda-sorta about gender equality, but moreso about abolishing the botched and unjust gender roles which have become entrenched in society.

EDIT again: Again, I don't have much official know-how about this shit, just what I've developed on my own. If any of that's made an ass of me, someone more knowledgeable kindly knock my on my ass. I feel like I came off in a way that looks bad.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 03:57:40 PM by Dracula9 »

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2014, 04:15:53 PM »
Hey guys, what's going on-

Offline Dracula9

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2014, 04:24:19 PM »

Good 2700th post there.

Trøllabundin eri eg, inn í hjartarót.

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2014, 04:59:47 PM »
lemme show u guys how this thread works

things that annoy the crap out of me:
  • when they dont have your size at the clothes store
  • facebook posts that make you say "oh just shut the fuck up already"
  • whenever theres a specific condiment in ur meal at the fast food joint after u politely asked for it not to be included
  • exceedingly slow drivers
  • 98% of all rap music
  • technology getting "newer," but not getting "better"
  • photos of their breakfast/lunch/dinner over n over all over social media
  • athletes that get paid millions upon millions upon millions
  • itunes
  • gps/tracking app giving me an entirely backwards bumblefuck route to get to my destination
  • texting everyone i know instead of actually speaking with them
  • cops talking on their cellphones while driving
  • my phone dying & shutting off when theres still 19% left
  • people that dont put themselves in other peoples shoes
  • retired people that already live in good neighborhoods winning the lottery
  • sequels when there shouldnt be a sequel
  • packing all your necessities before going on vacation, and ALWAYS forgetting that 1 thing
  • certain friends/acquaintances that are "stuck at the same levels" in life & are making no progress
  • rigged sporting events
  • american idol
  • people that take everything way too seriously & bitch about the smallest things, that fail to see the bigger picture in life
  • cleaning up other peoples mess
  • good things (shows, games, events, etc.) that get cancelled prematurely
  • dumb shit that drags on & on with no signs of ending
  • stuff that was once great, and has since dropped in quality
  • thieves & liars
  • people that camp on line for days right before a new thing is about to be released
  • terrible casting choices in movies
  • reboots

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2014, 05:06:40 PM »
I hate it when you try to be sneaky when you try to stealthily fart, and then you like try to drop a book or something to mask the sound and then you drop a book, everyone looks at you, and then you fart.

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2014, 05:13:33 PM »
Just some little things that annoy me
- Marvel movies coming out in another countries before the US. Why not release them all at once?
- People who bash other countries. All countries have problems... so what
- People trying to make points using the Old Testament but don't understand that the Mosaic Law has been done away with.

Btw these are all from today.

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2014, 05:24:47 PM »
I've got my list, though not everything's included:

Trying to do something I know I can do but failing at it. Every. Single. Time. Pisses me right off.

Other things: Greedy sods like the big oil & gas companies, the Pharmaceutical companies, etc. that won't let go of their hold on society. Whenever a new technology comes out that could revolutionize the world, they step in and take it from you. All because they can't make a profit off of it. They feel threatened by such a discovery that they have to buy you off. And if that doesn't work they will threaten your life and the lives of your family and friends. There should be laws against these people. But there isn't and that really grinds my gears.
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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2014, 05:36:12 PM »
-Not being able to turn off my pc late at night because Windows decided to fuckin' update.
-Turning the pc on the other day to find Windows installing said update when you're in a hurry.
-People who continue to argue even after their argument has been soundly anihillated, and resort to increasingly ludicrous arguments to make the debate drag itself like a death-bed cow. And after allll this shit, they behave like they won.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:39:22 PM by theplottwist »
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Offline KaZudra

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2014, 05:53:40 PM »
Oh god I just read what I wrote there... it came out very left field of what I meant to put, and rambled on... and on...
I am an asshole when I get worked up.

What I meant to point out was that when Something Labeled is Sexist in video games, It's usually on something not as bad as what they should have called it on.

Example, Samus' Rocket Heels, but Not on Other M.

I guess I got really worked up on something so stupid I wind up making a compete ass of myself.

That behavior isn't what I want my fellow dungeonites to tolerate, and for that... I am truly sorry.

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2014, 06:15:11 PM »
  • people that take hours & hours to text back
  • people that dont text back at all
  • traffic
  • surcharges
  • ATMs making me pay for my own money
  • being catfished
  • atheists that are just as bigoted as theists
  • excellent games that include "that 1 thing" that drags down the entire experience
  • everything becoming digital (mostly gaming)
  • gamestop
  • movies/games that shouldve had a sequel before the statute of limitations on sequelitis expires
  • people that act completely different when theyre around other people
  • texting nudes to your gf/friend with benefits & her not returning the favor
  • holes on the big toe of your socks
  • pouring a bowl of cereal before checking to see if theres [enough] milk in the fridge
  • delays
  • people that dont wash their hands after using the bathroom
  • suck-ups/kiss-asses
  • kanye west
  • the 2D genre being considered a niche market

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2014, 08:52:56 PM »
Oh god I just read what I wrote there... it came out very left field of what I meant to put, and rambled on... and on...
I am an asshole when I get worked up.

What I meant to point out was that when Something Labeled is Sexist in video games, It's usually on something not as bad as what they should have called it on.

Example, Samus' Rocket Heels, but Not on Other M.

I guess I got really worked up on something so stupid I wind up making a compete ass of myself.

That behavior isn't what I want my fellow dungeonites to tolerate, and for that... I am truly sorry.

I haven't played Other M, but I heard people complain about sexism in it. It's just that it was part of an overall complaint about Nintendo ruining Samus's character by turning her into a submissive, suddenly fragile woman. Who would freak out and break down when confronted by a boss she had iirc beaten something like 6 times already by that point in the Metroid canon, leaving it up to the big strong men to protect her (and you) by cutscene killing the boss. Which doesn't gel at all with her previous portrayals as a kind of stoic bounty hunter in the vein of Boba Fett.

What's more, the high heels make no sense in a combat situation, because it's difficult to walk much less run and fight in those things. And they even go against the original design document for the Zero Suite.

tl;dr, no matter what way you slice it the high heels are dumb. And the only possible reason to add them now is to "sexy up" Samus. Which begs the question of why we don't see Luigi in a banana hammock as well.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 09:29:25 PM by Ratty »

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Re: Things that Annoy the crap out of you.
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2014, 09:25:35 PM »
I'm just a buffalo soldier in the heart of america
Stolen from africa... brought into america,
Said he was fighting on arrival, fighting for survival;
Said he was a buffalo soldier, win the war for america.
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~Charlie Sheen
