*points to my post summarizing multiple methods of doing this stuff*
*points to the unfinished guide Jorge's working on*
*points to Jorge's long post earlier in the thread*
*points to BMC's reply to said post*
A thing to consider; if one has no skills in a certain field, why on earth would they suddenly leap into a contest with seasoned people? Or leap into a contest at all?
Leaving tutorials for every little thing is nice and all (personally I think the resource threads cover most of it), but you can only help for so long before you're just needlessly holding someone's hand through
People should be allowed to follow their own path and develop their own unique style of doing things,
especially if it's something musically or artistically-related. Putting up detailed "here's how I do things" threads runs the risk of newcomers trying too hard to emulate some else's style due to their lack of experience, instead of developing their own style.
I never read up on any threads, or tutorials, or what-have-you, I learned through trial and error what function did what or what plugin sounded best. It's great what you're trying to do, but it seems to me that you're treating this thread like it was catered specifically to certain people and shut out others. I can't help but take offense to that. It's true the theme coincided with what I usually do anyway, but that's only because it's something I know enough about to reasonably make a ruleset, and also because I know not many of our resident Abbadons do chiptunes.
Contests are supposed to be fun and enjoyable, yes, but they're also supposed to pit you against any other potential person. The competition is meant to motivate you to do better than all the others, and thus improve or expand your skillset.
This contest was a severe example of people that wanted to participate but didn't have the technical knowledge to do anything, even if they wanted to.
*points to my post summarizing multiple methods of doing this stuff*
*points to the unfinished guide Jorge's working on*
*points to Jorge's long post earlier in the thread*
*points to BMC's reply to said post*
I don't agree with dumbing this sort of thing down to make things easier for new practitioners. I'm sorry, I just don't. You don't get better when everything's a cakewalk and your hand is held the entire time. You get better when faced with adversity and challenge.
Do I agree with your desire for music-program links and basic tutorials? Definitely.
Do I agree with your seeming resignation and accusation that this contest was rigged for certain members? Fuck no, and I'm sincerely hoping I'm misinterpreting here, otherwise my offense to it is legitimate.
Tutorials for most plugins and methods and functions for most music programs litter the web, and the F1 button is definitely a thing. People are certainly capable of looking in this stuff on their own time and in their own way. They don't need coddling.
Yes, I know dumping the "Google it, noob" plate on someone's lap can be overwhelming or intimidating and very possibly elitist; however, there's a line between holding someone's hand so that they never feel intimidated or challenged, and remaining reasonably ambiguous on certain things so that they can develop their own style. And I'm having a really hard time figuring out what side of the line you're currently on, darkman. Help a brother out.