Own a PC?
MMC Multiplayer isn't as good as it was?
Wanna play Halo online but Halo 1&2 are dead?
What if you could play Halo 3 (and a few more maps) Multiplayer with Halo 4 graphics? sounds too good to be true, right?
Well I got some good news, 343 released a F2P Halo Online... for Russia only (for some odd reason) and since the official servers went down, modding the game with custom servers are now completely legal (YAY!) so this leaves the modding community in a new golden age!
https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloOnline/Reddit Source
https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloOnline/comments/423you/0501/Get the game (takes awhile, nearly 3GB)
So far, running on my super-toaster, it's running pretty good at custom low resolutions (hey, it's running a GT 610) but so far really fun. Aim assist for Controllers (but bindings and sensitivity is tricky, and X for crouch, L-Stick for sprint cannot be rebinded... for now) no-aim assist for KB+M, it's really well done, I'm surprised MS didn't try to Sell the game in other regions, If they sold this game for $15, they would have made a good deal making PC gamers happy and cutting the corner of no more Halo on PC without pissing to many people off.
the community is rather small (which makes it a pretty good community, sans hackers a few) which means they are pretty chill, so if you guys are interested, here it is and we could play a few games in the near future