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my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« on: December 18, 2017, 03:40:25 PM »
SPOILERS dont read if you don't want Star Wars Episode 8 spoilers, 
it's my fresh opinion about the movie.

lol but first I got to say there is a lot of sexist comments going on in the internet.  Like seriously, wtf is up with the increase in sexists and misogynists these days?  it seems like they are the vanguard to whatever unfair negative backlash the movie gets.    if this movie was released during the old trilogy period, there wouldn't have been as much hate going on, like for example:

Quote from: J-ride;c-11527658
Watched the new film last night.  I found it depressing and boring.  It just seemed like the SJW nonsense was turned up to 11 from last movie, because every woman was right in this movie and every man was wrong.  Star wars 9 will be a two hour diatribe on the dangers of toxic masculinity and the need for 57 different genders.

their sexist, hateful, and discriminatory comment further proves excessive masculinity is toxic, degenerate and immature, especially when the feminine shines brighter.   so called star wars fans like that, give males a bad reputation with their self absorbed fanaticism and tier list towards the male gender. 
The women don't steal the spotlight in Episode VIII, there are plenty of strong males in the story too.
A good male human being would respect and honor women being important, smart, and glorified.
Just like good husbands/fathers/brothers/sons/etc. want their wife/daughter/sister/mother to be great, succeed, have self esteem, be a role model, etc.

when the masculine feels so bothered and threatened by female glorification, the misogynists bash it and underrate it,
but if every man was "right" in the movie, then every woman was "wrong" in the movie,  they wouldn't have made that misogynistic comment nor label the movie as SJW. 

  I mean my gosh, with all the EXCESSIVE male glorification pandering for generations of movies, and you feel SW Episode 7 and 8's glorification of strong, brave, smart and heroic women is "too much"?   
 those guys really have sefl reassurance issues if they gotta belittle women and anything that glorifies women.

And the complainers acting like the movie treats Finn like an idiot and thinking the movie portrayed Poe as "wrong".

the haters are systematically trying to make it seem like the movie has an agenda against males, when it doesn't.

Poe Dameron was right in the beginning, and Amilyn Holdo was right in the later half. 
Finn is not an idiot, the story doesn't treat him like an idiot, he did what he felt was right,
 and he was right in a sense, reckless in a certain case, but still a great guy.
who's right or wrong is opinion based and point of view, but overall,
you really paint a really toxic, hostile, and misogynist viewpoint against the stories and women of the films.

Star Wars Episode 8 deserves a 10 out of 10,  obliterates Empires Strike Back, exceeds expectations, surpasses Episode VII.
this new trilogy is shaping up to be the greatest trilogy in the Star Wars series.

Poe is an awesome badass pilot at the start, and I say he made the right call.   
that Dreadnought would have been a serious threat later on if it hung around.    Poe's decision is underrated, and the attention to the sacrifices don't factor in what a big win it was to eliminate the Dreadnought from their list of problems.

Paige Tico's effort and sacrifice is very emotional!!!!!!! of course deadbeats just see her as a flash in the pan, but her character, without even counting her sister, has meaning, and it's great how it's one of the examples that Episode 8 think outside the box of conventional storytelling, and touches upon how even the so called minor people and roles, still matter and contribute.   things would have been different if Paige didn't successfully struggle to the bone to get those bombs dropped.  So Paige is a hero.

the pacing in Episode 8 in perfect, right up to the credits, I was amazed how it told everything it wanted to tell in that timeframe, and being the longest Star Wars movie greatly helped it.  there was no meaningless scenes,  it all adds to the experience.  it is a masterpiece!!

Rey's interactions with Luke are splendid, and it's crazy how every step of the way, Episode VIII is unexplored territory that gets more and more INTERESTING.  the Star Wars story is moving FORWARD, introducing more new characters, more new locations and circumstances.  and this movie has the Rebels at their most desperate!!!!  Empires Strikes Back was like "ok, the Rebels lost this round, we'll fight another day."   but in The Last Jedi, the Rebels were literally fighting for their faction's continued EXISTENCE!!

Finn is awesome, and it's very interesting how Episode VIII progresses in ways never expected!   it's like watching Episode V for the first time, except totally more epic!!

Leia stole the show with that Force surprise, that is super emotional, super amazing, and still within acceptable Force power possibilities, especially being the daughter of Anakin and twin of Luke, it's a welcome highlight for the princess!!!!!!

Rose Tico is underrated. and I'm glad she like her sister are of an asian race (I think vietnamese?),
which all numbered Star Wars movies greatly lack an asian character that is in the center of the adventure among the key characters, and they become a key character as well to the new generation of Star Wars heroes!!  more diversity makes stories much greater and more people worldwide can relate to the characters.
and I like how she's an maintanence worker, doesn't excel in combat, yet still is essential to the story. She even saves Finn's life!!!!!! 

Phasma is still 200% better in this movie than in Episode VII.  if that's the last of her, she still left her mark and wouldn't have
been caught off guard if it wasn't Rose keeping her occupied, she sure didn't want to get shot in the back while confirming Finn's status.    Phasma >>>>>>>>> Boba Fett.  The way she went out, was better than how Boba Fett was defeated by Han.
and I glad we got to see at least her eye, which is a lot more than Boba got in the movies. even Jango's appearance was fully revealed in Episode II, he wasnt just a faceless character.

I can already tell Amilyn Holdo is one of the most misunderstood, underrated and unsung heroes in the entire Stars Wars history of characters.    She was the one character I had to keep guessing whether she was good or evil, whether she was a traitor or a mole,
whether she was right or wrong.  I felt what Poe tried to do was right, but his strategy didn't go according to plan.
This isn't a gender contest.   Amilyn was right to use lightspeed and the ship as a weapon, but WOW IT EXCEEDED ALL EXPECTATIONS AT THE DAMAGE IT DID to The First Order   0_0

"class 1.0 hyperdrive motivator could propel a ship through hyperspace over one hundred thousand times faster than light, allowing a ship to cross the galaxy in a matter of days."

Most ultimate, heroic, and bravest Star Wars attack  EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!    that event alone obliterates every space battle in the history of Star Wars!!!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOW that completely redeemed Amilyn Holdo as a character and Rebel hero.
too bad the sexist side of the fanbase is occupied with stupid complaints about "ohhhh why da purple haired woman gotta be right and do something cool like dat?  why can't my boi Poe do dat?  the Poe fanservice at the beginning of the movie wasn't enough." 
stupid sexist idiots.   

Amilyn Holdo is a war hero and she deserves 200% respect for what she did.  Poe is a hero too, but Amilyn also fought for what she believed in.    and Episode 8 was genius how it teased her alignment, even saying vague things like "Rebels", like a First Order officer would, yet afterwardds that line is seen in a different light.   She is one of the greatest characters in the Star Wars legacy, and deserves praise for strong and meaningful character.   at the sametime, she's not perfect,  there is good reasoning to doubt her decisions and point of view, and it makes sense she would hide her plan from the others.   She is the most multidimensional Star Wars character that doesn't recycle the "obvious undeniably good character" or "traitor" cliches.
Her decisions, like Poe's also places lives at risk.   and like Poe's decision in the beginning was right, Amilyn's decision using the ship as a lightspeed weapon after having the others evacuate, is the right decision too. 

the slicer is great for several reasons,  the actor is a mix of french canadian, distant german, italian, spanish even Dutch!
that is a rarity for a Star Wars character.  race aside, the character itself further strengthens the theme that someone doesn't need to be famous, doesn't need class, doesn't need to be the GREATEST at what they do, and still matter and make a difference in the conflict.the character is also a turncoat, but that is in character with their criminal self preservation priorities.
it was a great twist how the slicer Rose and Finn were seeking didn't turn out to be the one they recruit, instead, they got an unknown criminal to do the job, or at least, and helped them escape from the casino planet and get them onboard the ship, and their presence led to Phasma's downfall, which is sweet revenge for Finn. So all their efforts were not in vain.  even if Phasma somehow survives like how Boba Fett was retconned, Finn still got a great hit in.

BB-8 is awesome!! R2-D2 would be proud!!   So badass!!!!!!!  ^.^

that was HILARIOUS when Poe was making fun of General Hux!!!!!! Hux is such a hateable yet amusing villain. 

Snoke really is better than people realize:
1. Snoke is a force to be reckoned with through his screentime.   did more than Palpatine in Episode V. Schooled Hux, Kylo AND Rey.
2.  the character matters. he was the supreme leader of The First Order, someone Kylo had no chance against on this own.
3. Rey's presence helped Kylo pull off the most insane attempt at assassinating his master, which in turn:
4. elevates Kylo's relevance in the story and solidifies Kylo as the main antagonist in the trilogy.

With Snokes demise, Kylo has surpassed Vader.  Vader was Palpatine's servant all the way through his senior years, whereas Kylo breaks his leash and slays his master in his prime, and with no handicaps. 
while Vader was just barely bringing out a plan to Luke to overthrow Palpatine, Kylo already kills and overthrows his master and becomes the leader himself, in the prime of his youth.

the Kylo and Luke flashback and truth plot twist is OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!   the fear and shock and everything is SO EPIC!!!!!!

and so glad Rey's parents turned out to be regular people, that elevates Rey's character more, and the message that someone doesn't need special parents, bloodlines, titles nor fame in order to become someone great and powerful. 
I liked how Episode 8 teased they are Solo siblings, when they are not.  People have to stop being in denial. Kylo wasn't lying to Rey,
the revelation would hold no weight if they saved different origins for Episode IX.   the entireity of Episode VIII persistently points out that lineage does not matter and the Skywalker line (nor any other known Jedi/Sith bloodline) is not needed to among the current most important Force users.

though I wonder if those red guards are the Knights of Ren, or they have yet to be assembled for modern day action.
Episode 8 confirms that the Knights of Ren are all former Jedi students of Luke.   it is so awesome the weapons they wield, including
that chain whip, though it woulda been cooler if they were actually pure laser, but still, really cool and that whole Rey and Kylo co-op scene is ULTIMATE EPIC!!    and those red guards weren't pushovers.  it required serious skill to overcome them, and Kylo needed Rey's help to finish off the other one.

the last battle scene is great too.  Finn was being reckless but nice that Rose saved him and love is developing between them.
They have more in common than Rey does to Finn.

and its so great how Luke goes out.   it's the cleanest, most brilliant way to do it.    if fans still upset, then they have yet to grow up.
the suns, everything, a lot of Jedi would of liked to leave life so elegantly.

Yoda's surprising entrance and new teachings are very EMOTIONAL!!!!!!!!  So EPIC!!   really adds to the themes, and makes SW Episode VIII that much more impactful.

I also like how the development in Episode VIII's story, turns from hopeless and some kind of desire to end the Jedi, to
replenished hope and the determination to have the Jedi live on.   So the true Last Jedi is Rey, or you could say Luke is the Last Jedi of the Skywalker generation, and Rey is the Last remaining Jedi.   

that final scene also hints the new trilogy can involve new gen rebels and Jedi even beyond the current trilogy. 

also I feel with Rebels reduced to like, what a dozen or so survivors?   Rey could help them become Jedi.    Jedi Rebels are more powerful than regular Rebels. it would be so epic, if the Jedi Order and Rebels produce a new hybrid of Jedi Rebels.   
a single Jedi is worth 100 Rebels in war.   even Rey more than anyone has faith in restoring the Jedi, learning from its failures and achieve a greater balance and success.   it would be so great if Rey increases the Jedi numbers, it would be worth the risk, and their true enemy is The First Order.  the sith/dark side users can manipulate things, but with no army they can't do much.   crush the First Order, and the sith will scatter.   crush the sith, and The First Order would still be a threat. of course the sith has to be dealt with, but the tide of the war really depends on the Rebels and The First Order military strength.  destroy The First Order, and the sith cannot sway the Rebels and a new Republic's hold on the galaxy without spending years trying to take it over from within.   
even before that the Rebels winning the war could establish prosperity just like the Old Republic.  and Rey's Jedi Knights can be there to help ensure that evil stays in the shadows for as long as they can.   :)
 Rey can then be seen as the mother of the new generation of Jedi Order!!  So epic!!

I say Episode IX should timeskip a bit, and the first squadron of Jedi are introduced, and Kylo Ren could introduce his Knights of Ren.
it could lead to amazing clashes. 

there's a lot more to say about the movie, but hey, negativity is the trend, pessimistics, cynics and haters always see positive people as shills and crazies, when the real crazy and mentally challenged people are those critics that shit on a good thing.

any backlash towards Star Wars Episode VIII proves:

1. this generation is excessively negative, toxic, hypercritical, have bad judgement, nitpick things to the point they can't enjoy anything anymore.
2. Star Wars fans don't know what they want, and what they want conflicts what other fans want anyways.
3. those that didnt like it have no business being Star Wars fans if they truly can't see nor respect Episode VIII's strengths and breakthroughs

thankfully, Star Wars phenomenon can't be derailed, so I think the general consensus as the trilogy moves forward, is that Episode VII and especially VIII are great Star Wars movies, and among the favorites of a lot of fans that appreciate it.

so that's opinion, please dont be offended.

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2017, 06:37:29 PM »
I haven't seen the film yet but spoilers are not something that bothers me. My bro saw this film and while it had its moments it is far from the spectacle that was the original trilogy. Episode VII suffered from being a rehash of 'A New Hope' rather then standing on its own. That was blatantly obvious, but that's J.J. Abrams for you. It did have some original bits but suffers far too much of story-element re-usage. Episode VIII is as my bro had mentioned 'an amalgamation of both 'Empire Strikes Back' and 'Return of the Jedi' in the reverse I'll add. Again that's J.J. Abrams for you. The part that really bothered him (and me too from hearing it) was the chase scene as the First Order is closing in on the Rebel Medical frigate. The frigate ran out of fuel during the chase! lol! How can those ships run out of fuel if they are driven by Hypermatter annihilator reactors?? That's the same tech that powered Deathstar. That s**t doesn't run out! And to make the scene even more comedic, once the supposed fuel ran out the ship started to drift 'up' and 'back'. Ships in space do not function that way. Not unless they are near enough to an object with a gravitational force to cause such momentum. And also, if an object is travelling through space and runs out of fuel it will still keep on going as there is no resistance force to push against it to slow it down or stop it. The inertia will keep the vessel moving until it encounters an object strong enough to slow or stop it.  Even George Lucas kept the laws of physics in mind when he did his films. Both episodes (VIII most of all) suffer from bad writing and a near-complete lack of originality and common sense. This is unfortunately a real problem within the Hollywood industry, and J.J. Abrams' ability to write a story. I'll still see the movie as I'm a bit of a Star Wars geek myself, however I will not be blown away by it and devolve into some obsessive fanboy as seems to be the case with the more younger crowds nowadays.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 06:42:02 PM by X »
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2017, 10:59:25 PM »
I did not even bother to watch considering that I'm a big fan of the previous movies... maybe there is a thing as too much star wars or real life is just too stressful?
I'll just catch it on HBO or something, eventually.

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2017, 04:53:20 AM »
I'll point out that JJ didn't write  episode VIII.
The movie has it's issues, but if you're gonna nitpick science-y stuff  there is plenty to go around in the entire series.
I've never heard anything about ships not running out of fuel either. Maybe it's an EU/Legends thing?

My issue with the movie is that the way the entire casino planet thing was done with a blatant political statement thrown into the middle of it was hamfisted.

Also, I don't believe for a second that any of the "reveals" in the movie hold any water.
About Rey's parents, if she is really a nobody, then when Rian Johnson was asked if Kylo told the truth he would have just said yes. Instead he said it was the truth as Kylo saw it.
Snoke's "death", you don't set up that kind of mystery and then continue pushing it on in 4 or 5 novels for it to end in nothing. He's either coming back EU Palpatine style in a clone body or some other over-the-top Force power-y way.
If they really do just drop these to plot points like they were nothing, then yeah, fuck this trilogy, however, I don't think Disney is so stupid as to allow anything of the sort.
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2017, 09:51:41 AM »
I'll point out that JJ didn't write  episode VIII.

True, but he is the executive director and what he says goes. If he wants his ideas incorporated into the movie it will happen regardless of the writer's say. And this film like the last contains his ideas. The only Starwars film that did really good and was very well received was Rogue One. And why was it such a success? Because J.J. Abrams had nothing to do with it.
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2017, 02:19:40 PM »
so when a movie shows something that is a reflection to the harsh reality in actual world, you see it as a political statement?   

wtf.   so you prefer if the dark side of reality is hidden and kept out of movies and just be your little innocent fantasy rollercoasters? 

also just because a movie has some event or theme that can be seen as controversial, doesn't automatically make it political, for real world problems go beyond politics and not everyone is after some agenda when pointing out the evil and corruption that exists in the world.

closing your eyes and expecting stories to skip over things relatable to reality, won't make the evils and serious facts go away from the world.   they still exist.

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2017, 08:22:26 AM »
Honestly, the whole movie was a 'meh' to me.

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2018, 01:47:12 AM »
so when a movie shows something that is a reflection to the harsh reality in actual world, you see it as a political statement?   

wtf.   so you prefer if the dark side of reality is hidden and kept out of movies and just be your little innocent fantasy rollercoasters? 

also just because a movie has some event or theme that can be seen as controversial, doesn't automatically make it political, for real world problems go beyond politics and not everyone is after some agenda when pointing out the evil and corruption that exists in the world.

closing your eyes and expecting stories to skip over things relatable to reality, won't make the evils and serious facts go away from the world.   they still exist.

You seem to like to make a ton of assumptions, Affinity.

To begin with, yes. When I go to a theater to see a science-fantasy movie I expect to have an escapist experience.
That is the point of fantasy story telling. The point of sci-fi is to ask interesting questions about out-of-this-world and/or future situations outside of the norm.
Since Star Wars is a loosely sci-fi and overtly fantasy series, I certainly do not expect real world anything to be in it.
Star Wars is allegorical, based strongly in the idea of the hero's journey model, and about larger concepts of good and evil being in conflict.

The "dark side of reality" is better explored in appropriate movies better suited to the tone needed for such topics, not in Star Wars.
What irks me is the way those ideas are so poorly integrated into the narrative.
The "good" guys go to this place and despite their comrades being in a life or death situation, they take the time to free some horses and make a mess. Yay.
If you stop to think about it for even a second you realize how idiotic this is.
They are on an island, so the horses will be easily caught given the level of technology.
These are racing animals used by a casino, thus they are valuable to their owners, thus they are likely tagged electronically making them even easier to retrieve.
The "heroes" comment on the slavery, but do nothing to try to free the children.
What is the message here? Free animals thoughtlessly and ignore the suffering of people? Really?

Star Wars was about overthrowing an oppressive empire. This is laughably naive in comparison. It doesn't move the story forward. It doesn't make the protagonists look good. And it leads to nothing. It was just a waste of time relying on the viewer to be thoughtless.
This is no great exploration of a dark aspect of real life. This is a desperate attempt to seem relevant... in a fantasy movie set long ago in a galaxy far, far away! There should be NOTHING like this inn a Star Wars movie. Similarity to current topics should be broad in scope with no need to point it out to the audience.

No agenda, huh? The "The Force is Female" t-shirt Kathleen Kennedy posed in would like a word.
There is blatant sjw agenda all over this movie. The irony is that in trying to make the female characters look better than the male characters, all of them look like morons.
Finn is a joke at this point, literally he is comic relief mostly.
Rey is point for point the definition of a Mary Sue outdone only by the Gary Stu that is BB-8.
Poe is made to look like an irrational, trigger happy barbarian that happily leads his troops to their deaths for next to no strategic victory.
General Hux is suddenly incompetent for no reason, doing a complete 180 from his portrayal in The Force Awakens.
Snoke is pathetic in his lack of knowledge.
Leia is barely there, and does basically nothing.
Holdo is the worst military leader in the history of all fiction. All she does is be unreasonably hostile to Poe and belittle him for no reason that makes any sense.
Luke is an ineffective coward. And it makes no sense to leave behind a map when you are going to go hide.

If I go see a drama or war movie, that is where I expect the serious facts to be.
When I watch Full Metal Jacket I rightfully expect there to be things relevant to real life war there.
When I watch Patch Adams I expect serious topics to be presented about bedside manner.
But those movies have something The Last Jedi doesn't have; context, coherent plot, and good writing.

Here's a news bulletin for you.
The agenda and politics of The Last Jedi are not why people didn't like it.
It was the terrible presentation of those ideas out of context, nonsense plot, pointless sub-plots, badly written characters, the out of place comedy with too modern a flavor, and the utter misunderstanding of what makes the reversal of expectations plot twist interesting in the first place.

The Last Jedi is a bad movie.
As a Star Wars movie it is insulting to it's own legacy.
And it retroactively makes The Force Awakens a worse movie for not fulfilling any of the setups it made or respecting any of the characters it created.

In the future, don't presume to tell anyone their opinion please.
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2018, 09:47:14 AM »
I recently saw the last jedi, and yes, everything Inncubus has stated is true. My god! I got lost not even a half hour into the film. The force awakens (though a rehash of a new hope) was much better to watch. At least I had fun with that movie and to me that is most important besides good story-telling. did I have fun watching The last jedi? No. And I don't expect to watch the solo movie since the internet is all a buzz about it's failure. And to think they planned a trilogy too. Better for Disney to pull the plug on these projects then risk more abysmal failure.
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2018, 09:53:10 AM »
TLJ and TFA was to Star Wars what LoS1 and 2 were to Castlevania. Complete abominations of no value.
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2018, 07:43:17 PM »
I got to see Solo for free. It is not a terrible movie, nor is a great movie.
I'm loathe to give Lucasfilm any money after TLJ unless they can do something worthy of the Star Wars legacy.
Solo falls short of that. However, it does have some fun to be had.
A quick re-edit will do a lot to improve Solo, but having missed the opportunity to cast Anthony Ingruber as Han means it will never be great regardless of how good an edit could be done.
"Stuff and things."

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2018, 07:42:11 AM »
but inccu

donald glover lando though


In the future, don't presume to tell anyone their opinion please.

>saying this to affinity

« Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 07:47:06 AM by Dracula9 »

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2018, 09:23:15 AM »
A quick re-edit will do a lot to improve Solo, but having missed the opportunity to cast Anthony Ingruber as Han means it will never be great regardless of how good an edit could be done.

Wow. That was a missed opportunity. That actor looks a lot like a younger Harrison Ford. Just needs that 80's hairstyle and he'd be a near dead-ringer.
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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2018, 09:57:24 AM »
whats episode 7 and 8

you mean 4 and 5 right

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Re: my fresh Star Wars Episode VIII review (ultimate spoilers!!)
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2018, 11:52:18 PM »
Actually it's more like 4, 6/5. Return of the jedi/Empire strikes back is kinda how the last jedi started and ended, lol.
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