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General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by BLOOD MONKEY on Yesterday at 04:01:06 PM »
I'd be okay if moving forward they forgot anything after SotN happened. Or just forgot about having a consistent timeline in general. IGA's timeline is far too rigid and cares too much for sacrificing gameplay and characters to connect inconsequential story elements. In my mind the Belmonts had been fighting Dracula, or incarnations of him, since time immemorial. There should be an infinitely possible number of Castlevania stories, instead of like 20. Dracula only reigns for 1000 years tops? That's BS.
 I honestly feel like the timeline is one of the reasons why Konami seems to be approaching a new Castlevania with more caution than like any of their other series. Look at what happened the last time they tried to go against it (LoS)
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by crisis on Yesterday at 01:34:22 PM »
Wasn’t there an entire village full of Belmont relatives in OoE

If I recall that was a point of contention here back in 2008, a lot of fans were saying how it was “unrealistic” that a gang of Belmonts just so happen to be living amongst each other
Fan Stuff / A Konami shared universe might be fun
« Last post by The Puritan on Yesterday at 12:24:33 AM »
It's been said that Adi Shankar's Devil May Cry series might cross over with his previous work on Castlevania. But if CV was to share space with other fictional works, shouldn't it be with other Konami IPs?

So I pondered a shared universe for the company's otherwise unconnected games. A "Konamiverse" if you will. But unlike, say, Capcom 's SFU or Koei-Tecmo's "Ninjaverse", this Konamiverse would be a non-game setting, like a comic book or animated work. It'd take the basic premise of each game series and put them all in the same world (or universe, to include works set in different time periods or other worlds entirely). You could start with major established series like Castlevania, Metal Gear, and Silent Hill to set this Konamiverse's framework. Then you could work your way down to the likes of Bloody Roar, Getsu Fuuma Den, Rush N' Attack, and Lethal Enforcers to the obscure or outright forgotten like Nanobreaker, Arumana no Kiseki, Kensei: Sacred Fist, Jackal, and more.

And then... that's it really. Various Konami IPs quietly co-existing in the same fictional space, occasionally crossing over with or at least referencing each other. No massive Avengers-style teamups as is so often the case in shared universes, though I've no doubt someone in charge of a Konamiverse will certainly try.

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Hardcore Gaming 101 / Another Shameless self promotion
« Last post by Hayoam on October 04, 2024, 07:40:56 PM »
Following the foot steps of another topic by another person.

Greetings everyone,
I've been a fan of Castlevania since I laid my eyes on SOTN and COD, probably my most played game series of all time besides Monster Hunter, and I played lots of games throgh the consoles since PS1.
Anyways I took interest in Video game development so I decided to learn Unreal Engine offwork and created my very first game ever named Cas... I mean Wandervania. ;D

So if you enjoy 2D Castlevania adventure then this might be for you.
Also If you can't afford, in a tight situation or whatever and you are interested in the game message me and I'll give you a Steam key just for the people in these forums.

Thank you.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by JR on October 04, 2024, 06:51:37 PM »
I don't really like the lack of Belmonts, either. It was fun playing through those games, but the plots were just...bleh.
Hardcore Gaming 101 / Re: LUNAR Remastered Collection
« Last post by VladOfWallachia on October 03, 2024, 03:58:58 PM »
I played both Lunar 1 + 2 PS1 remakes when they first launched. I still have the Working Designs packaging of them. Great games.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by zangetsu468 on October 01, 2024, 05:35:25 AM »
Lore and gameplay(with the exception of DoS’ gameplay re: Julius) state otherwise.


Sorrow games:
• Aria Julius (playable) is well effing OP (Julius being old and not even in his prime here. One can make the argument he’s been powered up to his prime 1999 form, given the players never got to play that event, given that event is directly referenced as J’s backstory and lastly, given that his mode is non-canon)
• Aria Julius (Boss) is arguably one of the hardest(definitely ‘superhuman’)
• Aria Julius has the full powered VK, with its rage ‘fading’ / being quelled in the true Aria ending(from a lore perspective, partially explaining his power-down in Dawn).
• Dawn Julius is able to jump over the draw bridge in the prologue, which Soma was not able to . (Despite the power-down since Aria)
• Dawn Julius is able to destroy the demons in the castle beyond the point of regeneration, without the use of the sealing glyph (lore is up to interpretation here, however, lore vs gameplay to myself was interpreted that in Dawn’s universe, ALL the lesser / higher demons
needed sealing glyphs to be permanently destroyed - whereas, gameplay only makes Soma enact that action for the bosses)
• Dawn Julius’ gameplay is heavily nerfed and doesn’t correlate with the above with the exception that the ‘de-raged VK’ reduces Julius’ optimum battle prowess and overall combat abilities (most notably his typical jump height and teleport). This point in particular is telling that Julius was specifically nerfed in gameplay, as opposed to Yoko and Alucard.

The fully powered VK, while not the most powerful weapon is very close, easily the most well-rounded(best reach, highest damage, fastest special attack which consumes the least MP) and defeating Death and Dracula with a slower weapon (particularly on level 1 max cap) is barely worth switching. If memory serves, final form Drac can eat about 4 x special VK attacks if combo’d correctly(following a jump attack)in sequence, causing massive damage.

Shanoa gets a pass, because DominuS requires the sacrifice of a human soul(use it anywhere else but Drac and she’s dead, in-game) meaning that level of power, requires beyond a human’s capability. Additionally, the entire notion of collecting ‘glyphs’ (DominuS being Dracula’s innate traits) is the equivalent of sitting on ‘the chair’(singular) which exists in Plato’s realm of ‘The Idea’.. Some next level meta[critical/]physical-tier-ish…

My two cents worth. 🪙 🪙
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by theplottwist on September 30, 2024, 08:39:47 AM »
This rant reminds me I should bring here my research about Aria/Graham stuff one of these days.
Fan Stuff / Re: Spritework Request & Showcase Thread
« Last post by Jelli on September 30, 2024, 07:37:49 AM »
Here's some sprites I dabbled with. These are just artwork-accurate sprites of Jonathan, Charlotte, Shanoa, Albus, Soma, Julius, Yoko and Simon.

Your thoughts?
« Last post by Migami Games on September 29, 2024, 07:51:33 AM »
@RichterB It's ok! Totally understandable. The game is delayed into Jan/Feb due to reasons not related to Migami or it's development. We can't go into details about this while things are being worked out, but rest assured that the reason for the delay will be a big win for the wide release of the game. We would like to express our deepest apologies as the game has been fully done for some time now. It's painful for us to have to wait. But rather than sitting on it, we are using the time to put an extra level of love into it that we've never given a game. Please stick with us! It will be worth it!

Now for some news!

Mig will be at the Saint Maurice Gaming Salon on October 5th from 1PM- 9PM, near Paris. 94410 Saint Maurice, Espace Delacroix showing Chronicles of the Wolf & Wallachia! If you're skilled in digital arts, you may even get to add a small graphic to COTW/get a credit in the game!🐺

Here is a link to the website for the event:
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