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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2670 on: June 08, 2012, 06:50:39 PM »
I guess I just don't understand the assertion that they need to use the same basic plot. I like the new plot, and I like the new spin it puts on things, some of them more so than their old plot counterparts.

I'm not making that assertion. I'm not saying that they need to use the same basic plot, only that they could have and that a completely new plot isn't an absolute necessity.
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2671 on: June 08, 2012, 06:55:36 PM »
So gamers of today's generation really are idiots with the memory span of a goldfish? Oh, f**k me.

So sad. So true.

I'm not making that assertion. I'm not saying that they need to use the same basic plot, only that they could have and that a completely new plot isn't an absolute necessity.

On that, I completely agree.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 06:58:12 PM by e105beta »

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2672 on: June 08, 2012, 07:09:15 PM »
Jimmy's an asshole. Fuck that little turd
But then again, I bet Jimmy's parents don't read manuals either. I talk to grown ass adults sometime and they ask me (because they know I play games) how to do things in certain games. I tell them, do you have the manual? When they say yes I proceed to answer their questions from the manual. Then I look at them like they're morons while they inevitably respond with an "oh".

But it's worse than that. I was at a friends house and he was having a tough time fighting a boss in Gears of War 2. He'd been at it for two days. He tells me to give it a try so I do. I eradicate the beast in like 2 minutes. He's dumb founded because I'd never played the game or the original before. When he asked me how I knew how to do everything I told him that all the prompts were telling me what to do and I also went into the menu to see the control layout. I got another "oh" and I indeed looked at him like he was a moron. So "gamers" nowadays don't even read the damn prompts on the freakin' screen.

Your not kidding huh? Even when I have problems I try to figure it out, as for the prompt sometimes it's to small on my tv I am not crazy when I say this right it's only on my 360 not all of them but some , and some instruction manuals do not even go into detail that much anymore just the bare bones basic so I never concentrate on them in fact when I was younger sometimes still today I still lose the manual  :rollseyes:, but I still get business done like a champion  :)

So gamers of today's generation really are idiots with the memory span of a goldfish? Oh, f**k me.

I really do not hope that is the case finding out stuff is half the fun  :D

I mean really, I never read any instruction manuals as a kid to actually learn, I just read them for the cool pictures and character descriptions.

If I didn't know how to do something, I bought a strategy guide. Hoo-ah.

Colored manuals are beastly in fact one day I bought a star fox, super mario world, and pilotwings(even though I already have one) manual for like a buck they look so awesome  :)
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2673 on: June 08, 2012, 07:36:39 PM »
It's pretty weird that it takes Trevor 3 hits to break barrels.

Plastic whip. Got it at the Halloween store, clearance item.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2674 on: June 08, 2012, 08:51:43 PM »
Your not kidding huh? Even when I have problems I try to figure it out, as for the prompt sometimes it's to small on my tv I am not crazy when I say this right it's only on my 360 not all of them but some , and some instruction manuals do not even go into detail that much anymore just the bare bones basic so I never concentrate on them in fact when I was younger sometimes still today I still lose the manual  :rollseyes:, but I still get business done like a champion  :)
I think some of the problem is if they make the gameplay too "deep", ore better worded, gameplay more convoluted than it HAS to be. It's kinda like story. Some people think, if you just add mature situations and dump in a mess load of philosophical shit, that automatically equals a mature, adult story. It's all about execution. It always has been and always will be. You can make a really effective story out of a really simple idea. Applying that to gamesplay, sometimes song developers think it makes the game more hardcore to throw on all this uneeded crap, just for the sake of it. And everything you need to know would just add up to the point that memorizing ever single little detail would result in a manual as thick as a dictionary. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but you get the point.

But I do agree, add THAT(what I mentioned above) with kids who just can't find the time to do simple things, like read more basic of tutorials, and lack any ounce of resoucefulness required to be a human being. Not a healthy mix for a gamer in this day and age.

I always wondered, for the longest time, why others weren't as self-resourceful as myself(and given the posts on this thread, others here like myself). This is not related to games only, either. For as long as I can remember, anything that interested me lead me to new paths of exploration. Example, If I liked a certain movie, research movies like it or similar style, check 'em out to see what new "treasures" I can find. This has become something MORE convenient with internet. Say I like gory zombie movies, I can just search around for lists of gory zombie flicks, and see go searching for them. I can ask other people to recommend things to me, and by taking their recommendations into account, experience NEW things. Same with music. High school was great. I turned so many of my friends on to things they wouldn't never heard otherwise, and they turned me on to new things as well. My taste span genres and decades. I don't limit myself to the here and now. I don't wait around for trend to tell me what to like, I search it out for myself. That's why, for the longest time I could never wrap my head around how anybody could not want that for themselves or lack that enthusiasm.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2675 on: June 08, 2012, 10:29:46 PM »
Oh really? Because you've acquired the game & played it thoroughly before anyone else?
No goofball, because i paid attention to the 3DS conference when they came out and went in depth about the damn game... god..
You still find hearts in objects, maybe not candles.. but in objects none the less.
And it even harkens back to the older ones quite a bit.

From the 3DS showcase on Nintendos web site, Cox went into great detail about the game... that's why i say what i said!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:37:26 PM by Mikepjr »

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2676 on: June 08, 2012, 10:44:09 PM »
Your not kidding huh?

I wish I was.

I think some of the problem is if they make the gameplay too "deep", ore better worded, gameplay more convoluted than it HAS to be.

I wish this were the case, but it was a grown-ass man, about 25 I think, and he just neglected to read the part where it SAID to use your dodge and wait for an opening.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:46:28 PM by Inccubus »
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2677 on: June 08, 2012, 10:56:49 PM »
I guess some of the GBA/DS Metroidvanias had some more colorful environments, but they never deviated too much from the dreary and gothic vibe.
Dawn of Sorrow and POR were as cartoonish as possible. There were not much darkness and "gothicness" in them.

Hollywood does it all the time. However to retell a tale you don't necessarily need to change all the characters around and merge some and do all kinds of wierd shit.
I don't see anything weird in LOS approach to the storyline - it become an epic tale as it should be and Belmonts / Dracula connection is an idea that painfully obvious on the surface. I completely OK with them changing as much as possible for explained above reasons. It would be boring, if they did some changes and otherwise left things the same. Reminds of halfassed comic book reboots. It's a new timeline and I want as much new stuff as possible. For the old stuff I have old timeline. And I don't think that LOS is that generic. Well, it is, as far as any epic story goes, but when compared to many previous Castlevanias it certainly doesn't pale in comparision with them.

However, when you're adding to an existing series with an established fan base you do owe something to those fans. MS steam made an effort with the throwback names, but too often the characters were so different as to alienate the older fans. And besides that, if you really want to do your own thing that badly as a developer, you can simply start a new IP.
I don't think so. Especially if core fanbase mostly consists of the people who literally stuck in the past and still approaches games expecting them to be made by 1997 standards.
New characters with the old names were little nods at most. Wasn't it obvious form the begining that big ugly vampires have nothing to do with "Brauner" and "Olrox" form the Old Canon? I think it was, but some fans expected them to somehow end up as familiar characters with the old personalities or somethink like that. Fanbase is good at unreasonably deceiving themselves. As a writer I understand what MS was going for and I would do the same - named some random characters as a tribute for the old timeline, but nothing more.
And about new IP - I think if developers have some radical ideas about  preexisting series - it is not bad. It's allow another approach to the old series, the one that could inspire people to do something different and creative rather countinuing to beat down old horse. It is completely normal in my book and that is why LOS is separate timeline.

This is especially true when it comes to the original canon which is very bare of any real story telling.
Your statement would be only true, if there weren't games after Rondo. But after SOTN there were plenty of storyline. Most of the Old Canon actual story beside "generic Belmont goes to kill Dracula" was established after SOTN with many details.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2678 on: June 08, 2012, 11:27:32 PM »
Your statement would be only true, if there weren't games after Rondo. But after SOTN there were plenty of storyline. Most of the Old Canon actual story beside "generic Belmont goes to kill Dracula" was established after SOTN with many details.

I have to completely disagree here. Everything before SotN IS "random Belmont goes to kill Dracula" with even less story than in the Metroidvania era. The games that had the most story telling in the series until LoS were the 3D games and they only ever added a tidbit if new info here and there. The one thing I can never deny about LoS is that it did the story telling better than any CV game that preceded it. They can do that with any of the games in the old canon equally as effectively and it wouldn't be boring at all even if they use the exact same plot. The reason they can do this is that even the Japanese versions of the games have very little story to them at all which leaves plenty of room to craft a new story from what amounts to a bare-bones outline of what happens. Doing things differently for the sake of doing them differently is annoying to me. I know most people don't feel that way, but I do. That's why I mostly don't like book to movie adaptations. They always screw something up in the story for no good reason at all, and sometimes even at the protest of the original author. As you can probably tell I have a philosophy of "it ain't broke, don't fix it".
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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2679 on: June 09, 2012, 12:09:39 AM »
I talk to grown ass adults sometime and they ask me (because they know I play games) how to do things in certain games. I tell them, do you have the manual? When they say yes I proceed to answer their questions from the manual. Then I look at them like they're morons while they inevitably respond with an "oh".

My little sister can be a real snot when it comes to video games.  Whenever I get a new game I try and flip through the manual for at least a basic understanding of the game so I don't run in blind, and she gets PISSED at me because she wants me to entertain her with the game right then and there.  She's yelled at me for it multiple times now.  Last time it happened I had to give up on trying to read the manual because she kept distracting me.

Unsurprisingly, she has a horrible time with video games because she can't be bothered to read the instructions.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2680 on: June 09, 2012, 12:37:28 AM »
Despite anybody's opinion on DoS, it did deliver on the gothic atmosphere

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2681 on: June 09, 2012, 12:43:04 AM »
My little sister can be a real snot when it comes to video games.  Whenever I get a new game I try and flip through the manual for at least a basic understanding of the game so I don't run in blind, and she gets PISSED at me because she wants me to entertain her with the game right then and there.  She's yelled at me for it multiple times now.  Last time it happened I had to give up on trying to read the manual because she kept distracting me.

Unsurprisingly, she has a horrible time with video games because she can't be bothered to read the instructions.
Ah, so the hopelessness of today's generation is linked to them being spoiled brats. Let's see if there are other factors...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 12:45:41 AM by VladCT »
It is precisely because it never cared, that people do care.  It's something which it's lacking, because that which it has, it has lackluster of.
You are now reading this in Robert Belgrade's voice.

Then Lords of Shadow 2 just takes a big, semi-solid, smelly, pea-green dump all over everything.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2682 on: June 09, 2012, 04:27:26 AM »
You guys probably know but dave cox said that simon is not trevor's son.

Remember guys that he said there will be 3 belmonts in mirror of fate.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2683 on: June 09, 2012, 04:30:46 AM »
That person asked if Simon is Trevor's father, and he said no.
It's like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but instead it's Who Wants Fried Chicken? I do.

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Re: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS (Discussion Thread)
« Reply #2684 on: June 09, 2012, 04:32:05 AM »
Ah misread on my part.There's a lof question and answer in his twitter.
I would probably link the mirror of fate stuffs.

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