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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2009, 10:03:19 PM »
Cornell was just an excuse to make a new game. I did enjoy the power of werewolf mode, fighting the chimera and the new Drac however, and the Art Tower had a couple good moments with the swinging chandeliers on the tight rope and other platforming.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2009, 04:50:25 AM »
Thanks for the constructive response. I understand what your saying in regards to Legacy being an improvment. However, in some ways I still kinda like 64 over it. Reason being that I like playing as carrie and she is more powerful in 64 over Legacy. When you charge and release her orb its homing properties are stronger and more accurate than in Legacy. I also Like the original Tower of Science, and Tower of Sorcery more, but overall I agree that legacy is the better version. But in some ways I kinda like 64 more. Funny but true.

Carrie is so broken in the first game. I beat the whole game running around throwing fully charged orbs. I love the 64 CV's, they're great. Also, I think one reason you liked CotM is because some of the same team from the 64 games made CotM. CotM is great. I remember the cutscene where you meet a vampire for the first time, I think in the Villa being cool as hell and scary at the same time.

One of the reasons I also like the 64 games over the PS2 one's because the 64 games have more platforming elements that were really interesting and fun. I remember LoI having *some* platform elements but their weren't that many, I mostly remember beautiful areas and mostly square/rectangle rooms. I haven't played the game in a long time though, and I personally only played CoD for 10 mintues then stopped cause I thought it was garbage.

I'm gonna hit up this pawn shop I know where they always have PS1/64/SNES games, I hope to find CV64 or LoD there sometime.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2009, 07:58:14 AM »
In Reply To #32

Carrie is so broken in the first game. I beat the whole game running around throwing fully charged orbs. I love the 64 CV's, they're great. Also, I think one reason you liked CotM is because some of the same team from the 64 games made CotM. CotM is great. I remember the cutscene where you meet a vampire for the first time, I think in the Villa being cool as hell and scary at the same time.

For you Carrie is broken in the first game, for me she was extremely powerful and than weakened in legacy. I didn't know that some of the members from KCEK on 64 worked on circle.

I don't think Lament of innocence is particularly charming or beautiful, it does have some nice music however. I'm a CV 64 guy over Legacy and there is another big 64 fan on here with very high post counts, DoctaMario, who pretty much agrees with me that 64 feels better overall.

They just added so much useless crap in legacy! It was 5 steps forward 4 and a half steps back. I'll take the original Forest of Silence, Tower of Science, Duel tower, and Tower of Sorcery any day over the ship stage, new forest of silence, and the remakes of the above mentioned stages.

Plus I like the menu music more in 64, it just felt like they softened the game up in Legacy and 64 has a slightly darker more barren quality that I enjoy.

I personally don't mined being in the minority when it comes to opinions.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2009, 12:12:17 PM »
Isn't it a bit too barren though? Castlevania has always been a busy place. I have to say I like that they added a few more enemies. It's hard not to love the ship stage. Forest of Silence is kind of a draw. I feel most of the remade stages are an improvement. For one, they have bosses.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2009, 04:19:05 PM »
In Reply To #34

To each his own. I like the barren it is fine for me, nice and simple and it has a brooding quality that for some reason is missing in Legacy. I think the intro with Malus playing the Violin is more dark than that in Legacy. I also like the plain old brown whip without the stupid whip transformation of chain/electric. It takes away some realism for me. And the power up sub weapons are overpowered. I like the simple vanilla of 64, I feel it has something about it that was taken away in Legacy.

You won't be able to change my feelings because I played 64 when I was 13 and it scared me and I enjoyed it. Another little touch I enjoy in 64 is that in the Castle Wall stage Draculas servant speaks, in Legacy its all just text. In the pal version of 64 its also voiced in the castle keep.

Legacy has some things going for it, but I don't like the intro as much as Malus on the violin. I don't like Cornell, or Hennry. I don't get hard for the sub weapon powerups, or the main weapon ones. I like the plain old leather whip, no bells and whistles. I like the more sinister and challanging platforming in the 64 game, it was made easier overall in Legacy. And the camera in 64 is a bit further from the main characters as opposed to being right behind them. I like that. For me Legacy went 4 steps sideways or backwards and maybe one step forward.

Yes its a bit barren but that adds to the coldness, I don't like "busy" that's why I despise the PS2 games. They have no soul their too colorful and busy to be sinister and dark.

we stand at opposite viewpoints, have different taste, but I respect and understand your view. I just feel different. One mans trash is another mans treasure.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2009, 08:52:55 PM »
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 09:03:27 PM by Lumas »

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2009, 11:06:52 PM »
i personally really liked the music for one thing, i don't care if the 'ambience' made it different from the other games, and as Malus said, that silent brooding quality about the game is really good, it gave the series a fresh view.

it had some really good moments like the
-villa (the music for the villa was like perfect, kind of innocent sounding with an awesome harpsicord passage,)
-awesome bosses e.g. that buffalo thing, death, draculas true form etc.
-the maze (really creepy, you can hear the frankenstein thing running towards you from far away)
-the cutscenes of course were the best in any castlevania up to that time, they added some drama to the story.
-tons of different enemies

really, its hard not to like it. i don't know why lots of people find fault with it. who cares if the graphics is a bit mixed or the controls are messed.

one thing i don't quite like though were the ending cutscenes, they were a bit cheesy.


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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2009, 07:53:37 AM »
In a word, I think most people's problem with the games was simply that they had unrealistically high expectations. Perhaps they were looking forward to another platform-based-yet-2D game like SotN. Or maybe they were looking for what is now LoI and CoD. When the games came out, it shattered their non-reality-based predictions.

Fortunately, those people aren't me!  ;D

I love the games; I enjoy LoD a bit more, I'll admit, but there is one thing those games have that no other can:

The Villa.

Easily my favorite level of any level-based Castlevania. Between the super-fitting "Annex of Silent Madness" music, the thirsty Master Oldrey, the first wall-crawling vampire, the plight of Oldrey's wife, the garden maze, the archives, the rescue of Henry, the gardener, and the total mystery of the place.... truly genius.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2009, 11:49:03 AM »
So, Carrie fans, who do you like more


or Bad Carrie?

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2009, 09:10:23 PM »
lol hahaha. the bad carrie of course, i mean, such beauty...

yeah, like ArcanisEurydice, i also think that the villa is a total genius level, no matter what anyone else says.
it gives the game an element of unease and suspense that all of the titles really should have.
i mean, there are all these monsters from the deepest pits of hell, and the mighty belmont just comes along and cleans em all up like taking out the garbage?
no i reckon castlevania should scare the hell out of the player, and create a real sense of danger.

anyways i talk too much...

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2009, 08:38:38 PM »
To this day I still feel that both N 64 titles are the best representation of what Castlevania games at their best should be: Immersive, atmospheric, detailed, mysterious, creepy, and nonstop fun. I can still play CV 64 over and over again (something about the retooled camera and controls of LoD makes it somewhat less enjoyable for me) and not get tired of it, just like Super Castlevania IV and Dracula X. But where this game always shines for me is being the first game to actually deliver a winning and memorable story. Never mind the more recent 3D titles that tried to squeeze emotional pathos from dry, uninteresting characters and shaky plotlines. The N 64 games introduced the best damn storyline and dialogue that a CV title has ever seen, enhanced considerably by the most evocative and emotionally charged musical score in the series.

Yes, Castlevania has rarely been about story continuity or character development. All the more reason why Reinhardt, Carrie, Rosa, Malus, Cornell, and every other player in the Legacy/Apocalypse family shines. Everything else is what haters of these titles care to mention. - Lame 3D, crappy layout, poor platforming, technical glitches, blah blah blatherskite-bullshit. There are things we don't like present in virtually any game out there. Too many fans with a deeply committed sense of what something "should be" are never going to be satisfied no matter how hard one tries to cater to them, and in the end will keep defending their damning consesus of their most beloved passtime to the grave. Thankfully, the rest of us couldn't care less. After all, being able to recognize merit where and when it's due is not the responsibility of the fans, but the privilege of the player. And it makes for much more enjoyable gaming experiences as far as I'm concerned.

...However, there is one small thing I will call the naysayers on where the N 64 titles are concerned. Anybody, including all video game developers who may have stated publically that these games do not fit in to the established timeline are quite wrong. It is one simple line spoken by Dracula in the original N 64 game that ever contradicts the timeline when once fully regenerated he remarks upon the wasted years since his last rebirth. I'm no professional logician, but I do feel that anyone with half an imagination could have managed to get around this moment of in-game melodrama. At least several games in the official series have defied the 100 year resurrection cycle by way of intricit plotting. Could they not just as easily have solved the nagging problem of the lord of darkness running his mouth off? Apparently, much like the most passionate of players who just love to hate the N 64 outings, the current regime in charge of the series preferred to just deny the existence of what I consider to be rare gems in the Castlevania legacy.
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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2009, 10:43:44 PM »
To this day I still feel that both N 64 titles are the best representation of what Castlevania games at their best should be: Immersive, atmospheric, detailed, mysterious, creepy, and nonstop fun. I can still play CV 64 over and over again (something about the retooled camera and controls of LoD makes it somewhat less enjoyable for me) and not get tired of it, just like Super Castlevania IV and Dracula X. But where this game always shines for me is being the first game to actually deliver a winning and memorable story. Never mind the more recent 3D titles that tried to squeeze emotional pathos from dry, uninteresting characters and shaky plotlines. The N 64 games introduced the best damn storyline and dialogue that a CV title has ever seen, enhanced considerably by the most evocative and emotionally charged musical score in the series.

Yes, Castlevania has rarely been about story continuity or character development. All the more reason why Reinhardt, Carrie, Rosa, Malus, Cornell, and every other player in the Legacy/Apocalypse family shines. Everything else is what haters of these titles care to mention. - Lame 3D, crappy layout, poor platforming, technical glitches, blah blah blatherskite-bullshit. There are things we don't like present in virtually any game out there. Too many fans with a deeply committed sense of what something "should be" are never going to be satisfied no matter how hard one tries to cater to them, and in the end will keep defending their damning consesus of their most beloved passtime to the grave. Thankfully, the rest of us couldn't care less. After all, being able to recognize merit where and when it's due is not the responsibility of the fans, but the privilege of the player. And it makes for much more enjoyable gaming experiences as far as I'm concerned.

...However, there is one small thing I will call the naysayers on where the N 64 titles are concerned. Anybody, including all video game developers who may have stated publically that these games do not fit in to the established timeline are quite wrong. It is one simple line spoken by Dracula in the original N 64 game that ever contradicts the timeline when once fully regenerated he remarks upon the wasted years since his last rebirth. I'm no professional logician, but I do feel that anyone with half an imagination could have managed to get around this moment of in-game melodrama. At least several games in the official series have defied the 100 year resurrection cycle by way of intricit plotting. Could they not just as easily have solved the nagging problem of the lord of darkness running his mouth off? Apparently, much like the most passionate of players who just love to hate the N 64 outings, the current regime in charge of the series preferred to just deny the existence of what I consider to be rare gems in the Castlevania legacy.

I'm gonna quote this post just so anyone who didn't read it the first time has a second chance to do so.

And I agree 100%

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2009, 08:14:59 AM »
In Reply To #36

What was the original planned story?

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2010, 10:58:21 PM »
Cornell was just an excuse to make a new game. I did enjoy the power of werewolf mode, fighting the chimera and the new Drac however, and the Art Tower had a couple good moments with the swinging chandeliers on the tight rope and other platforming.

No one has posted here in forever so I figured I would bring it back since I really enjoyed the Castlevania 64 games and would like to converse with other fans of them.

First off Cornell was not an excuse to create another game. He was planned in the original as a prisoner of Dracula's (check the first trailer) as well as a Frankenstein chatacter named Collar. Due to tme restraints they didn't make the final cut so they released Legacy of Darkness as sort of a directors cut to include Cornell and Hary to replace the gun totting frankenstein.

I dont see how these games were horrible, it seems most of everyone that posted in this topic really enjoyed them except uzo. I personally enjoyed them far better then LoI and most def CoD. For the time they came out I think they did really well the game play was very similar to the originals Castlevanias, the music was haunting and ambient, and they did something which I believe should have been done which is release it as sort of a survival horror game which if you think about it Castlevania and Ghost n Goblins were the two first survival horror games course thats just my opinion there.  Every person that I have physically spoken too have liked these games so Im still trying to figure where all the hate is coming from.

I really think these games should be revisited on the PSP with enhanced graphics and some other extras.

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Re: 64 Vania Fans Only Post, Please
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2010, 08:10:30 PM »
I shudder to think what the current Konami CV crew would cook up to interweave the 64 outings with the existing timeline. Obviously, they would combine both games into one major package as was originally intended with Cornell, Henry, Reinhardt and Carrie's quests all intact. They'd clearly want to update the graphics and the layout of the game. But something tells me a bunch of remixed Castlevania standards (again) would be used instead of reworking the original scores. On top of that, it would automatically get snubbed again with one major issue for the fans: "Why remake this on the PSP? Why didn't they develop this title for the big consoles?" *s i g h* Clearly, this would take much more fan input than the Dracula X Chronicles could have asked for.
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