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Offline metroidquest

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Hey all,

Some of you know my project from 4 years ago 11+ years ago, Simon's Quest: Revamped.

If you haven't played it, here's one of many links to the current version (circa 2011):
(Link outdated and removed)

You can now download the latest version from my antiquated website:

Join my discord for the latest version:

Even though the current public beta is in a completed state, I encourage more discussion regarding feature requests.

Here are the featured changes.

- More Sub-weapons
- New Music by talented musicians
- Music selection option  ( to classic midi style)
- Button Mapping
- Difficulty Option
- Widescreen aspect ratio
- Clues Menu / Collection
- Boss health meters
- New secret dungeon
- More detailed storyline
- .. and more

Below is my 2015 topic (modified)

Well, I figured it was about time to give the game a little enhancement and code clean-up. I've started to re-factor the code and get it using GM Studio's latest compiler. As I've been doing that I've decided to add in some things that my fans have been asking for such as a gamepad and button configuration as well as enemy stunning. There are also a few other things I'm keeping to myself right now.

That being said.. I want to hear from YOU! Post your suggestions! Also, if you have an idea to replace a sprite that you feel would be better, please submit it.

Thank you!

Here's the task list so far:
  • update dialog/text  -- DONE (but open to changes)
  • enemy stunning -- DONE!
  • button config -- DONE!
  • difficulty setting-- DONE!
  • # of lives setting-- DONE!
  • exit game confirmation -- DONE!
  • boss battle overhauls -- DONE!!
  • better implementations of day/night transitions -- DONE!!
  • "gloomify" some landscape graphics -- eh
  • more paralaxing -- DONE!
« Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 07:34:13 AM by metroidquest »

Offline Claimh Solais

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My biggest problem with it was the inconsistency in the graphics. Graphics were being pulled from all sorts of generations of the series, and they clashed pretty bad. I was okay with it at first, but as I played more of it, it was just too apparent.

It would be cool for the game to have original graphics, or at least have graphics pulled from the same style.

Other than that, really, it would be pretty cool to have more to the game. Maybe even modify enemy placement in the mansions to make it more well thought-out, make it feel more like a stage to a ClassicVania. Even have bosses at the end of them. (I haven't played the game since  the month it came out, though, so I don't remember if these changes were already made. If they were, my mistake.)
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Offline metroidquest

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Great comment, Claimh!

I would love to update some of the sprite graphics if one were to contribute them. I am a programmer and not a sprite artist, therefor I was stuck with what I had available to me.

As far as the mansions, I'm open to discuss new locations. What were you thinking specifically?

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I agree with the graphics clashing issue. Perhaps you should stick to only using a set piece from one game rather then all of them. But if you need to use more then just one game I would recommend the graphics of SCV4 and CV Chronicles. They're close enough to use together and a simple color palette swap would make them work out better.

My only real issue with the game is it's difficulty. It's a little too difficult for me and some of the others. And not just due to the code glitches or limited lives either. to this day I've not finished it and I guess some of that lies with the codes bugs, but the rest is definitely the difficulty and limited lives. Having difficulty and lives settings in an options menu would be a good idea to implement. You want to reach out to a broader audience, and not have a game just meant for those who love hardcore challenges. You've got to think of everyone, not just a specific demograph.

Lastly I think Dracula's original look should be reimplemented. I know people out there are saying he looks too much like death, however I believe he would look something like that if he just got revived and did not feast in order to regain his youth and strength. Besides it just wouldn't be CV II without having the majority of the original game retained in some fashion or another.
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Offline metroidquest

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Yes! I think difficulty and lives in settings is a great idea. I'm putting that on the list.

Dracula's appearance... let's just say Dracula is going to get an overhaul in 2.0.

I've always really liked the Dac X style of the enemies... if I were to go in a direction of uniformity, I would rather go that way.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 10:58:48 AM by metroidquest »

Offline piscesdreams

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I would suggest, if possible, higher quality music.

Secondly, I would suggest more depth of field in the backgrounds with more layers of parallax scrolling when applicable. If not, then more detailed backdrops.

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more bosses in more mansions, after all it's their remake, and you can add a few things, special skills .... maybe?... Nes unlockable skin or Castlevania 1 with sprites sotn style skin  :D ... i dont know....
and the difficulty I agree, it is very difficult, something softer would be better  :)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 01:38:39 PM by Dracula »

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I've always really liked the Dac X style of the enemies... if I were to go in a direction of uniformity, I would rather go that way.

I wasn't referring to the enemies although I should have clarified that  :-\  I was talking about the background graphics. The Dracula X graphics are not really a good contended for a remake of Simon's Quest, although it's fairly obvious that the Dracula X town graphics are the only necessity as they look the part.
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Offline metroidquest

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I'm really enjoying reading the comments so far.

I am willing to entertain some graphics changes, but there is the pitfall of never-ending graphic development. Unfortunately I will need to draw a line somewhere. If someone has some solid graphic solutions and can provide some resources that would fit in with the game please send them to me and we can talk.

Same goes for music. I am more than happy to use alternate music tracks should they be provided.

Remember, I am a sole programmer. I can make many functional changes to the game, but if it's visual or audio I will need collaboration from those more talented than myself.  ;D

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Believe it or not doing graphics is actually easier then coding a game. I know absolutely nothing of programming to save my life, however coloring and doing graphics is really straight-forward. all you need is an art program like Corel photo paint or Adobe photoshop. There's also more obscure programs like Gimp and the like floating around the net as well. Although I'm sure you already know this  ;) The resources which I've already mentioned ie SCV4 and Chronicles are already completely ripped and set up at The Spriter's Resource website. All you'd need to do is acquire them, change the palette to your liking and implement them into our game.
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Offline metroidquest

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I don't think I'm going to be making dramatic changes to the levels' appearances. A backdrop change is one thing. Replacing all the foreground tiles is a task I'm really not up to. So, I do apologize for that.

That being said, I am definitely willing to add details and effects to the existing levels.

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You do what you can. It was just a suggestion, that's all  :)  But you could alter the current graphics to a more darker palette so they don't appear as cartoony as they do in Rondo. And I also agree with adding in multi-scrolling backgrounds to help give the game more field of depth.
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Sounds like a good compromise.  8) I'll add it to my list on the top post!

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MetroidQuest, I've never played this game. Would you be able to post a link to the most recent build in this thread? I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

Offline metroidquest

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MetroidQuest, I've never played this game. Would you be able to post a link to the most recent build in this thread? I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

I added a link in the first post.
