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Endings of Symphony of the Night

Thanks to the Video Game Museum for the use of these screenshots.

Ending A: Fight Richter Before Getting Holy Goggles

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Alucard: It's over...Belmont.

Richter: So the war between humans and vampires finally ends here...

Alucard: ....

Richter: What need for the shepherd when the wolves have all gone...My time on this world has come to an end.

Alucard: Mankind continues to fight, but it is a desperate fight to stay alive. I suppose that he chose a life of warfare since that was the only way he knew. Like you Father, he chose a path of destruction... Farewell, land of my birth. Never again will these eyes gaze upon your beauty.

Ending B: Kill Richter After Getting Holy Goggles

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Alucard: It's over...Belmont.

Richter: So the war between humans and vampires finally ends here...

Alucard: ....

Richter: What need for the shepherd when the wolves have all gone...My time on this world has come to an end.

Alucard: So you made it.

Maria: Alucard! How is Richter?

Alucard: I'm sorry...

Maria: I see... Thank you for stopping hiim... Do you suppose that this too is Fate?

Alucard: ....So your journey is over as well then?

Maria: No, not until I learn what caused Richter's madness.

Alucard: I understand...Well then, may the Gods guard you along the way. Farewell.

Maria: You as well Alucard. Good-bye.

Ending C: Kill Dracula With Less Than 200%

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Alucard: Go back whence you came! Trouble the soul of my Mother no more!

Dracula: How? How is that I have been so defeated?

Alucard: You have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love.

Dracula: Ah...sarcasm. "For what profit is it to man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul"? Matthew 16:26 I believe.

Alucard: .....

Dracula: Tell me...What...What were Lisa's last words?

Alucard: She said "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm. For their's is already a hard lot. She also said to tell you that she would love you for all of eternity...

Dracula: Lisa, forgive me. Farewell my son...

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Alucard: So you made it.

Maria: Alucard! I'm glad your (sic) all right!

Richter: I'm sorry. 'Tis my fault that you had to fight your own father...

Alucard: Fear not. I had my own reasons for destroying him.

Richter: It must have been painful for you.

Alucard: Indeed. But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...

Richter: I understand.

Maria: Alucard, what will you do now?

Alucard: The blood that flows in my veins is cursed. 'Twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever. Farewell then. We'll not meet again.

Maria: .....Alucard...

Richter: Don't you want to go after him?

Maria: No, it's best this way. I can't ease his torment. Someday perhaps we will meet again, and on that day maybe...

Richter: I see...

Maria: Let's go. Everyone's waiting for us.

Richter: Yes, let's get out of here.

Ending D: Kill Dracula With Over 200%

(Note: This ending is the same as Ending C, until the final lines.)

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Alucard: The blood that flows in my veins is cursed. 'Twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever. Farewell then. We'll not meet again.

Maria: .....Alucard...

Richter: Don't you want to go after him?

Maria: .......I'm sorry...I can't let him disappear from my life.

Richter: It's all right. Go after him. Perhaps you can save his haunted soul.

Maria: Thank you Richter... Fare thee well.

Richter: And yourself, dear Lady.

Richter's Ending

Richter kills Shaft, then looks at the shattered castle from a distance, per usual Castlevania ending requirements.

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Castlevania Games - Symphony of the Night - SotN Endings